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Dental Surgery Assistant

Shatin,H.K. Island,Kln. Peninsula

Dental Surgery Assistant

工作內容 :

General dental nursing work, assisting dentists in performing surgeries and sterilizing instruments. Daily clinic duties include answering phone inquiries, making appointments, registering, following patients and receiving patients, general do
薪金 :

每月$14,000 - $25,000(視乎經驗而定), 有勤工獎金, 生日假1天 及牙科福利, 星期一至六: 上午9時半至下午7時,...

要求學歷 :

Secondary 5; Fluent Cantonese ; Fair Putonghua ; Fair English ; Able to read & write Chinese ; Able to read & write simple English ; English Typing; Chinese Typing; Basic Computer Operation Knowledge


關鍵字 : 電話   ,  助護   ,  牙科助護   ,  電腦   ,  生日假   ,  中五   ,  跟症   ,  每週工作   ,  接待   ,  沙田   ,  牙科   ,  牙科助護   ,  助護   ,  診所   ,  牙醫   ,  手術   ,  登記   ,   每週工作5天   ,  每週工作5天   ,  牙科助   ,  上午   ,  工作5天   ,  下午   ,  會計   ,  消毒   ,  打字   ,  小時   ,  經驗   ,  普通話   ,  星期一至六   ,  

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